Mamá and Papá had some work related thing in the human realm! So they took me a long and we got to go on a vacation after they got all their work stuff done.
I found this kool cool gaurdan garden with all these tall trees so I took a picture for Mami and Papi, with me in it of course! They were busy so they couldn't see it tho
So I snapped some pictures on their camera for them!!!!!

I got lost going to the airport with Mamá and Papá. The people at the desk are having a hard time finding them from what I was hearing. I am scared but I know they'll find me. For now, if they can't find them before night falls, I'm staying at some building for lost children. I think it's called an orphanage? I was told I'd be looked after by other people while we wait for my parents.


Well, I'm 15 now. I'm still looking for a way out of the human realm. My plan is to make it through school, college and get a well paying job! Then I can finally go back home! As a kid I thought it was just through an airport but I didn't realize because we were on vacation we additionally traveled. I'm still a bit confused on how it works so I'm in the process of finding someone who could help me go through a portal back home. That's all I know at the moment but it's definitely a start. I know I can't cross the border back home unless I'm 18 or have a parent or guardian with me that has my birth certificate.
The family I stay with arnt exactly great either, they won't say it to anyone outside of my situation but they view me as some sort of cash grab... because I'm a Cupid I can 'make them rich' yeah right, the moment I get the chance I'm dipping and going back home. If they didn't have malicious intent I'd help them out for taking care of me until I'm able to go home. But I've realized they're not the greatest people to be stuck with.
If I was able to make friends maybe it'd make things easier but the kids at private school think I'm kinda weird, I think they're afraid of me because I'm not like them, either afraid or just flat out don't like that I'm a Cupid. For the most part they leave me alone, I don't get a lot of company though.


I think I can finally leave. I think I finally made it! Im so close I just have to wait until graduation, I'm finally done with highschool school for good!
I've decided to use college as an excuse to leave, I know what I want to do with my career but I have to go home to do it, I have to get my degree there. I'll be packing up my things and going the moment I can. I can finally...maybe...see Mamá and Papá again.


I made it through college! I met this person, Altair, they have a similar dream. They wish to open a Cafe,but not just any cafe...something big and grand! They want me to be one of the performers there! How exciting!
